MONTHLY NEWSLETTER November 2022 Edition With Dr. C. A. ONITIRI (Part 1)
Welcome to the month of November – the 11th month of the year. We may ask: what does this number mean in the Bible?
When compared with others, the number 11 has not been used too many times in the Bible. Indeed, it only appears 24 times.
The number 11 has a negative meaning – reason why it is seldom used in the scriptures. It is used to symbolize: disorder, judgement and imperfection. It also represents the sinful nature of mankind. Men rebelled against God, and it almost seemed like there was no hope for redemption.
To illustrate this rather interesting claim, I will mention one or two instances in the O.T and N.T where 11 was connected with chaos and disorder.
1) In Genesis 11v1-9 we see that the people of Judah who had only one language at the time, were judged by God for coming together to construct a tower that would reach the Heavens, called the TOWER OF BABEL. The Lord caused confusion and chaos among the builders by mixing up their languages and the building of the tower was halted.
In Deuteronomy 1v2 the Bible states “It takes 11 days to go from Horeb to Kadesh Barnea by Mount Seir Road.”
It would have taken Moses and the children of Israel only 11 days to get to their destination, but instead they spent 40 years in the desert going round in circles.
In Revelation 20, Apostle John was given a revelation of 11 things that were connected to the Final Judgement.
Now prophetically the number is synonymous with a new beginning. The 11 hours appears right before the dawn of a new day. In Exodus 26v7, Moses was given the directive to make 11 curtains for the Lord’s new Holy Tabernacle in the wilderness “Make curtains of goat hair for the tent over the tabernacle – eleven altogether.”
And in Deuteronomy 11v11 God promised the Israelites that when they get into the Promised Land, they will be blessed with many resources.
We may also ask – does this number have negative meanings in the Bible?
It may interest you to know that the number 11 which follows 10 – a number that represents law and order – represents the exact opposite.
The number 11 is used prophetically to symbolize sins, disorder and chaos e.g Israel was always at war with the 11 dukes of Edom.
Also, the 11 sons of Jacob caused the family’s disintegration. The number 11, all in all, brings disorder and other negative connotations in regards to Biblical prophecy.
We may also ask, what does this number represent in our daily life? The number 11’s meaning in numerology is quite different from its meaning in the Bible.
In numerological account it symbolizes balance, fulfillment, vision, refinement and congruence.
In ancient times, it was also considered a symbol of dream interpretation. Any person that sees the number 11 is compelled to be aware of their balance in spirit, thought and emotion.
Moreover, the number 11 is a symbol of duality, calmness and justice when one embraces the message of this number, one becomes more effective when making decisions in ones everyday life.
What does this number advise us to do?
Because this number is a symbol of enlightenment and inspiration, we have a mission to uplift others and help them see the brighter side of life.
I will end with a Bible passage the Gospel of John contains 11 special promises from Jesus Christ one of which states that a person can live eternally by partaking in the body or Jesus.
John 6v54 ” Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.” NIV
And in John 8v12 Jesus said whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness
” When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” NIV
Stay blessed and enjoy a happy and glorious new month. Stay out of trouble and always remember to help someone see the brighter side of life. Expect an 11th hour miracle.